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Abous Westfields

Westfields International School (WIS) provides an exceptional educational experience for children of more than 30 nationalities around the world.

The goal of the school is to provide each learner with enjoyable and meaningful experience, while discovering and developing skills and talents that will facilitate success both here at Westfields and beyond.

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The WIS Hall of Fame

Anika Johnson

Anika Johnson (Inset) in her winning form at the 2010 Gothia Cup 

A short write up of Anika Johnson. Etiam vitae ligula dui, in interdum sem. Mauris ut nisi quis ipsum porta hendrerit. Integer facilisis, eros eget ultrices venenatis, ante felis posuere justo, at placerat tellus odio id ipsum


am consequat orci eget nibh vehicula non bibendum lorem suscipit. Etiam sit amet fermentum dui. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent sit amet condimentum justo. Duis non massa nec ante fringilla porttitor venenatis eu nunc. Suspendisse dapibus justo quis velit porta ut aliquam nulla rhoncus